English Syllabus




4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 5

Content: Approaches of psychology. Research methods in psychology. Sensation, Perception, Representation, Thinking, Memory, Imagination. Language and Attention.. Motivation. Emotional processes. Theoretical Models of Personality. Temperament. Skills. Character. Interpersonal relationships

USVFSELPIPPDFOI4 Information and Communication Technologies - Computer Applications (IST YEAR, IST SEMESTER) 

3 hours/week, ECTS credits: 5

Content: The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects in the field of applied informatics. Skills concerning computer structure and operating manner and also text editing, tabular calculus and presentations are acquired. Also networking elements, internet acces programs,  serch engines, searching strategies and web page structure end editing notions are presented too. The students will gain hand-on experience with the, package Microsoft Office during the laboratory activity


4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 4

Content: The main goals of the course is to enable students to understand the psychological mechanisms of learning and training. Contents: knowing the student / methods and techniques; learning; efficient learning; motivation for learning; creativity in school; group psychology; teacher personality and competence; didactic communication;  school adjustment; school failure; school deviation.


3 hours/week, ECTS credits: 4

Content: Introduction to Developmental Psychology. Developmental Psychology – aim and methods. Domains of psychological development. Theories of human development. Milestones of cognitive, psychosocial and moral development. Prenatal development. Aspects of motor, affective and cognitive development in first 3 years of life. Preschool child development: Conceptual development and Theory of Mind. Cognitive elements in identity construct. Psychosocial development of preschool child. Physical development in the case of children of 6 to 10 years old. Knowledge characteristics in scholar child: perception, memory and  learning, intelligence development in piagetian perspective and in Gardner perspective.  Moral and psychosocial development (from 6 to 10 years old). Adolescence. Adult periods of life. Third age developmental characteristics.


4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 4

Content: The course aims to define, to characterise and to exemplify the notions of literary theory, indispensables to the reception of literature at any level, to present the principals moments and currents from the history of Romanian literature and, especially, to define the concept of children`s literature. In the didactic activities, we intend to present the themes specific to the school and preschool age, the authors and their representative writings for children from Romanian literature, and also ways of analysing an interpreting children`s literature.  

USVFSELPIPPDSAII13 Effective Learning Techniques (IST YEAR, IInd SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2

Content: The purpose of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills specific to use effective learning and techniques methods for efficient learning.

The fundamental objectives of the subject are:

- defining concepts used in the field,

- efficiency of the intelectual activity, the types of reading;

- note-takes systems, cognitive organizers,

- methods of argumentation and strategies for developing critical thinking,

- metacognitive strategies, mnemonics,

- individual learning styles,

- use of sources of learning. Planning and learning management.

USVFSELPIPPDCAI14 Foreign Language - English 1 (IST YEAR, IST SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2

Content: This course is designed to promote English language proficiency at undergraduate level for students belonging to the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Most of the students are at the beginners and intermediate level and few of them are advanced. That is why we will teach in the practical course manner and focus mainly on core language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and less Writing) using variety of texts (traditional textbook lessons, online material, contemporary newspaper and magazine articles) with particular emphasis on grammar, vocabulary, and spoken fluency, in appropriate contexts (social, personal, professional).

USVFSELPIPPDCAII14 Foreign Language - English 2 (IST YEAR, IInd SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2

Content: Eco. Protests. Green issues. Volunteering. Climate change. Environmental issues. Writing a report. Making written suggestions. Linking sentences. Education. Schools. Families. Social change. Personal letter. What makes a successful date. Describing character. Holidays. Things and places you know. Listing points. Travel blog. Lifestyles. Food and cooking. Narrative. Linking words. Animals. Moral dilemmas. Giving opinions. Incredible. Coincidences. Buildings. Weather prediction. Prepositional phrases. The future. Review D. (integrative skills).


USVFSELPIPPDFOIII1 Theory and Methodology of Evaluation (2ND YEAR, 1ST SEMESTER) 

4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 5

Content: The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills to the design and conduct assessment exams. Course objectives and those relating to the acquisition of the basic knowledge of the theory and methodology of assessment and their application in practical situation at the seminar or teaching practice in primary and preschool level. The topics are:

- Concepts of the field, types of assessment,

- Levels of evaluation,

- Classical methods used in the evaluation,

- Docimologic tests,

- Steps evaluation. Performance standards. Evaluation of the evaluation.

- Subjectivity and objectivity of the evaluation.

- Design assessment exams.

USVFSELPIPPDSAIV15 Psycho-pedagogy of Gifted and Talented Children (2ND YEAR, 2nd  SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2


- Gifted concepts: high ability, talent

- Theories and models of gifted

- Characteristics of gifted children :Psychological profiles, riscues of being gifted

- Identification issues: Instruments, identification in school

- Special curriculum for gifted: Contents, methodology, organization

- Counseling for the gifted children



USVFSELPIPPDFOV1 Methodology of Educational Research (3RD YEAR, 1ST SEMESTER) 

4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 5

Content: The purpose of the course is to develop the knowledge and skills specific to the design and conduct the educational research. The topics are:

- Rearch teaching – thematics and openings, perspectives,

- The design and conduct of the research,

- Methods of research (observations, psychopedagogical experiment, survey, questionnaire, interview, case study, sociometric methods),

- Processing of the results of the statistical techniques,

- Methods of presentation and exploitation of the research results.

USVFSELPIPPDSOVI11 Computer Assisted Training (3RD YEAR, 1ST SEMESTERI) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 3

Content: Computer Assisted Training : definition, concepts; Distance education (e-learning): definition, advantages, peculiarities; Using the Internet as a tool for exploration and communication;Web pages: structure, elemnets comprised; HTML language; Software for creating web pages; Web pages creating.

USVFSELPIPPDSAV14 Intercultural Education (3RD YEAR, 1ST SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2

Content: Trends in contemporary society / Globalization and identity. Identity as a perspective approach to pluralism. Models for understanding the culture concept. Cultural determinations of individual psychological functions. Construction of identity and cultural relational difficulties. Intercultural communication. Intercultural conflict. Cultural models of educational relations. Building an education based on intercultural principles. Intercultural curriculum. Strategies for training intercultural competence of students. Formal and nonformal educative approaches for developing students’ intercultural attitudes, values and behaviors.

USVFSELPIPPDSAVI15 Psyho-pedagogical Counselling (3RD YEAR, 2nd SEMESTER) 

4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 4


- Concepts, history, definition, principles, goals, objectives, role-status of school counselor

- Counseling methods and techniques

- Self – knowing and knowing others   Self –image, Self –Esteem

- Counseling for personal development. Development of self-esteem, of assertiveness, of resiliency and self-efficacy

- Conflicts and communication Efficient communication, conflict management, conflict resolution

- Life style Healthy life style, education for health, addictive behavior

- Gender differences in children education


Pedagogical Training in Primary Education 1  

Content: The purpose of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills specific for the teaching in primary level of education.

The fundamental topics of the practicum are:

- Observing the educational activity of primary level of education,

- The analysis of the lessons observed together with the mentor and university teacher;

- Sustain one lessons in team-teaching system or alone;

- The portofolio of practicum

Pedagogical Training in Pre-school Education  

Content: The purpose of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills specific for the teaching in preschool level of education.

The fundamental topics of the practicum are:

- Observing the educational activity of preschool level of education,

- The analysis of the lessons observed together with the mentor and university teacher;

- Sustain  lessons in team-teaching system or alone;

- The  portofolio of practicum.  




4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 5

Content: Approaches of psychology. Research methods in psychology. Sensation, Perception, Representation, Thinking, Memory, Imagination. Language and Attention.. Motivation. Emotional processes. Theoretical Models of Personality. Temperament. Skills. Character. Interpersonal relationships

USVFSELPIPPDFOI4 Information and Communication Technologies - Computer Applications (IST YEAR, IST SEMESTER) 

3 hours/week, ECTS credits: 5

Content: The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects in the field of applied informatics. Skills concerning computer structure and operating manner and also text editing, tabular calculus and presentations are acquired. Also networking elements, internet acces programs,  serch engines, searching strategies and web page structure end editing notions are presented too. The students will gain hand-on experience with the, package Microsoft Office during the laboratory activity


4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 4

Content: The main goals of the course is to enable students to understand the psychological mechanisms of learning and training. Contents: knowing the student / methods and techniques; learning; efficient learning; motivation for learning; creativity in school; group psychology; teacher personality and competence; didactic communication;  school adjustment; school failure; school deviation.


3 hours/week, ECTS credits: 4

Content: Introduction to Developmental Psychology. Developmental Psychology – aim and methods. Domains of psychological development. Theories of human development. Milestones of cognitive, psychosocial and moral development. Prenatal development. Aspects of motor, affective and cognitive development in first 3 years of life. Preschool child development: Conceptual development and Theory of Mind. Cognitive elements in identity construct. Psychosocial development of preschool child. Physical development in the case of children of 6 to 10 years old. Knowledge characteristics in scholar child: perception, memory and  learning, intelligence development in piagetian perspective and in Gardner perspective.  Moral and psychosocial development (from 6 to 10 years old). Adolescence. Adult periods of life. Third age developmental characteristics.


4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 4

Content: The course aims to define, to characterise and to exemplify the notions of literary theory, indispensables to the reception of literature at any level, to present the principals moments and currents from the history of Romanian literature and, especially, to define the concept of children`s literature. In the didactic activities, we intend to present the themes specific to the school and preschool age, the authors and their representative writings for children from Romanian literature, and also ways of analysing an interpreting children`s literature.  

USVFSELPIPPDSAII13 Effective Learning Techniques (IST YEAR, IInd SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2

Content: The purpose of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills specific to use effective learning and techniques methods for efficient learning.

The fundamental objectives of the subject are:

- defining concepts used in the field,

- efficiency of the intelectual activity, the types of reading;

- note-takes systems, cognitive organizers,

- methods of argumentation and strategies for developing critical thinking,

- metacognitive strategies, mnemonics,

- individual learning styles,

- use of sources of learning. Planning and learning management.

USVFSELPIPPDCAI14 Foreign Language - English 1 (IST YEAR, IST SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2

Content: This course is designed to promote English language proficiency at undergraduate level for students belonging to the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Most of the students are at the beginners and intermediate level and few of them are advanced. That is why we will teach in the practical course manner and focus mainly on core language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and less Writing) using variety of texts (traditional textbook lessons, online material, contemporary newspaper and magazine articles) with particular emphasis on grammar, vocabulary, and spoken fluency, in appropriate contexts (social, personal, professional).

USVFSELPIPPDCAII14 Foreign Language - English 2 (IST YEAR, IInd SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2

Content: Eco. Protests. Green issues. Volunteering. Climate change. Environmental issues. Writing a report. Making written suggestions. Linking sentences. Education. Schools. Families. Social change. Personal letter. What makes a successful date. Describing character. Holidays. Things and places you know. Listing points. Travel blog. Lifestyles. Food and cooking. Narrative. Linking words. Animals. Moral dilemmas. Giving opinions. Incredible. Coincidences. Buildings. Weather prediction. Prepositional phrases. The future. Review D. (integrative skills).


USVFSELPIPPDFOIII1 Theory and Methodology of Evaluation (2ND YEAR, 1ST SEMESTER) 

4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 5

Content: The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills to the design and conduct assessment exams. Course objectives and those relating to the acquisition of the basic knowledge of the theory and methodology of assessment and their application in practical situation at the seminar or teaching practice in primary and preschool level. The topics are:

- Concepts of the field, types of assessment,

- Levels of evaluation,

- Classical methods used in the evaluation,

- Docimologic tests,

- Steps evaluation. Performance standards. Evaluation of the evaluation.

- Subjectivity and objectivity of the evaluation.

- Design assessment exams.

USVFSELPIPPDSAIV15 Psycho-pedagogy of Gifted and Talented Children (2ND YEAR, 2nd  SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2


- Gifted concepts: high ability, talent

- Theories and models of gifted

- Characteristics of gifted children :Psychological profiles, riscues of being gifted

- Identification issues: Instruments, identification in school

- Special curriculum for gifted: Contents, methodology, organization

- Counseling for the gifted children



USVFSELPIPPDFOV1 Methodology of Educational Research (3RD YEAR, 1ST SEMESTER) 

4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 5

Content: The purpose of the course is to develop the knowledge and skills specific to the design and conduct the educational research. The topics are:

- Rearch teaching – thematics and openings, perspectives,

- The design and conduct of the research,

- Methods of research (observations, psychopedagogical experiment, survey, questionnaire, interview, case study, sociometric methods),

- Processing of the results of the statistical techniques,

- Methods of presentation and exploitation of the research results.

USVFSELPIPPDSOVI11 Computer Assisted Training (3RD YEAR, 1ST SEMESTERI) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 3

Content: Computer Assisted Training : definition, concepts; Distance education (e-learning): definition, advantages, peculiarities; Using the Internet as a tool for exploration and communication;Web pages: structure, elemnets comprised; HTML language; Software for creating web pages; Web pages creating.

USVFSELPIPPDSAV14 Intercultural Education (3RD YEAR, 1ST SEMESTER) 

2 hours/week, ECTS credits: 2

Content: Trends in contemporary society / Globalization and identity. Identity as a perspective approach to pluralism. Models for understanding the culture concept. Cultural determinations of individual psychological functions. Construction of identity and cultural relational difficulties. Intercultural communication. Intercultural conflict. Cultural models of educational relations. Building an education based on intercultural principles. Intercultural curriculum. Strategies for training intercultural competence of students. Formal and nonformal educative approaches for developing students’ intercultural attitudes, values and behaviors.

USVFSELPIPPDSAVI15 Psyho-pedagogical Counselling (3RD YEAR, 2nd SEMESTER) 

4 hours/week, ECTS credits: 4


- Concepts, history, definition, principles, goals, objectives, role-status of school counselor

- Counseling methods and techniques

- Self – knowing and knowing others   Self –image, Self –Esteem

- Counseling for personal development. Development of self-esteem, of assertiveness, of resiliency and self-efficacy

- Conflicts and communication Efficient communication, conflict management, conflict resolution

- Life style Healthy life style, education for health, addictive behavior

- Gender differences in children education


Pedagogical Training in Primary Education 1  

Content: The purpose of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills specific for the teaching in primary level of education.

The fundamental topics of the practicum are:

- Observing the educational activity of primary level of education,

- The analysis of the lessons observed together with the mentor and university teacher;

- Sustain one lessons in team-teaching system or alone;

- The portofolio of practicum

Pedagogical Training in Pre-school Education  

Content: The purpose of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills specific for the teaching in preschool level of education.

The fundamental topics of the practicum are:

- Observing the educational activity of preschool level of education,

- The analysis of the lessons observed together with the mentor and university teacher;

- Sustain  lessons in team-teaching system or alone;

- The  portofolio of practicum.  


3500 de laptopuri și tablete pentru viitorii studenți ai USV
La FSE vei avea acces la burse Erasmus, facultatea are peste 25 de acorduri care vor deschide oportunități de învățare în spații educaționale europene.
Pe parcursul studiilor studenții pot beneficia de burse de performanță, burse de merit, burse sociale sau burse de voluntariat.



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De ce să studiezi cu noi? - pentru că USV - FSE va avea grijă să crești și să te dezvolți pe măsura potențialului tău! - pentru că USV - FSE îți...
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