Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - Seria Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei
Despre revistă |
“Ştefan cel Mare” University Annals, Science of Education Series proposes a framework for communication and sharing the knowledge and academic experience in order to facilitate the professional development and the interuniversity cooperation within the European educational space. The topics addresses to all the practitioners (teachers of all grades, school counselors, researchers, trainers) from preuniversity and university education who want to contribute to the raising the quality in education. This publication unifies the results of the researches on education from European countries. The main topics of the journal are:
The journal is edited by the Suceava University Publishing House with the ISSN 1582-1129 |
Echipa /colectivul de redacţie |
Editorial board Editor in Chief, Professor Rodica NAGY, PhD |
Comitetul ştiinţific |
Condiţii de redactare/instrucţiuni pentru autori/condiţii de colaborare |
Instructions to Authors TITLE (TNR 14, centred, bold) Authors name Institution e-mail address: Abstract Format References
Chartrand, L. Duchesne, R. Dubord, M. & Gingras, Y. (1987) Histoire des Sciences au Quebec. Montreal: Boreal.
Allport, G. W. (1968). The historical background of modern social pszchologz. In G. Lindzey, si E. Aronson (coord.). Hanbook of social psychology . Reading: Addison-Wesley.
Hamel, J. (1999). Reinnoirea metodei focus-groupului. Dezvoltari recente si noi perspective epistemologice.Psihologia Sociala, 3, 127-136.
Lather, P. (2004) Getting Lost: feminist efforts toward a double (d) science. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, San Diego, 12-14 April. Heading levels |
Arhiva |
Tomul V 2009 Tomul IV Tomul III |
Contact |
Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” suceava |
3500 de laptopuri și tablete pentru viitorii studenți ai USV
La FSE vei avea acces la burse Erasmus, facultatea are peste 25 de acorduri care vor deschide oportunități de învățare în spații educaționale europene.
Pe parcursul studiilor studenții pot beneficia de burse de performanță, burse de merit, burse sociale sau burse de voluntariat.