Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - Seria Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei

  • Despre revistă
  • Echipa/colectivul de redacţie
  • Comitetul ştiinţific
  • Condiţii de redactare/instrucţiuni pentru autori/condiţii de colaborare
  • Număr curent  -  Tomul VI 2009
  • Arhiva
  • Contact
Despre revistă

“Ştefan cel Mare” University Annals, Science of Education Series proposes a framework for communication and sharing the knowledge and academic experience in order to facilitate the professional development and the interuniversity cooperation within the European educational space.
The topics addresses to all the practitioners (teachers of all grades, school counselors, researchers, trainers) from preuniversity and university education who want to contribute to the raising the quality in education. 
This publication unifies the results of the researches on education from European countries.  
The main topics of the journal are:
  • Education within the contemporary world
  • Psychology of Education
  • Educational Counseling
  • Teachers Training
  • Teaching methodology for the curricular areas
  • Language and Communication

The journal is edited by the Suceava University Publishing House with the ISSN 1582-1129

Echipa /colectivul de redacţie

Editorial board

Editor in Chief, Professor Rodica NAGY, PhD 
Executive Editor, Lecturer Otilia CLIPA, PhD

Comitetul ştiinţific

Prof. dr. Rafael BISQUERRA, Universitatea Barcelona, SPANIA 
Prof. dr. Vincente BENEDITO, Universitatea Barcelona, SPANIA
Prof. dr. Gabriel ALBU, Universitatea „Petrol - Gaze” din PLOIEŞTI, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Musata BOCOŞ, Universitatea „Babeş- Bolyai”, CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA 
Prof. dr.. Carmen CREŢU, Universitatea „AL. I. Cuza” IAŞI, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Vasile CHIŞ, Universitatea „Babeş- Bolyai”, CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Teodor COZMA, Universitatea „AL. I. Cuza” IAŞI, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Constantin CUCOŞ, Universitatea „AL. I. Cuza” IAŞI, ROMANIA    
Prof. dr. Romiţă IUCU, Universitatea BUCUREŞTI, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Mihai IACOBESCU, Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” SUCEAVA, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Ettore FELISATTI, Universitatea PADOVA, ITALIA
Prof. dr. Anna FORES MIRAVALLES, Universitatea Barcelona, SPANIA
Prof. dr. Liliana EZECHIL, Universitatea din PITEŞTI, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Viorel NICOLESCU, Universitatea BUCUREŞTI, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Rodica NAGY, Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” SUCEAVA, ROMANIA 
Prof. dr. Laurenţiu ŞOITU, Universitatea „AL. I. Cuza” Iaşi, ROMANIA 
Prof. dr. George VĂIDEANU, Universitatea „AL. I. Cuza” Iaşi, ROMANIA
Conf. dr. Davut AYDIN,  Universitatea „Ahi Evram”, Kirsehir, TURCIA
Conf. dr. Carmen Cornelia BALAN, Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” SUCEAVA, ROMANIA
Conf. dr. Venera COJOCARIU, Universitatea  BACĂU, ROMANIA
Conf. dr. Otilia DANDARA, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, CHIŞINĂU, MOLDAVIA
Conf. dr. Constanţa DUMITRIU, Universitatea BACĂU, ROMANIA
Conf. dr. Gemma FILLEILLA GUIU, Universitatea Lleida, SPANIA
Conf. dr. Alois GHERGUŢ, Universitatea „AL. I. Cuza” IAŞI, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Carlinda LEITE, Universitatea Porto, PORTUGALIA
Prof. dr. Amelia LOPEZ, Universitatea Porto, PORTUGALIA
Conf. dr. Mariana MOMANU, Universitatea „AL. I. Cuza” IAŞI, ROMANIA
Conf. dr. Adriana NICU, Universitatea „Lucian Blaga”, SIBIU, ROMANIA
Conf. dr.  Ioan Ovidiu PĂNIŞOARĂ, Universitatea BUCUREŞTI, ROMANIA
Prof. dr. Fatima PEREIRA, Universitatea Porto, PORTUGALIA
Prof .dr. Ana Paulo PEDRO,  Universitatea Aveiro, PORTUGALIA
Conf. dr. Ana RURAC, Universitatea Pedagogică „I. Creangă”, Chişinău,  MOLDOVA
Conf. dr. Cristian STAN, Universitatea „Babeş- Bolyai”, CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA
Conf. dr. Liliana STAN, Universitatea „AL. I. Cuza” , IAŞI, ROMANIA
Conf. dr. Mihai STANCIU, DPPD, Universitatea  de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” IAŞI, ROMANIA
Lector dr. Otilia CLIPA, Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare”, SUCEAVA, ROMANIA 
Lector dr. Aurora Adina IGNAT, Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare”, SUCEAVA, ROMANIA


Condiţii de redactare/instrucţiuni pentru autori/condiţii de colaborare

Instructions to Authors
TITLE (TNR 14, centred, bold) 
Authors name
e-mail address:

Type your abstract here. Abstracts should be of approximately 300 words. They should summarise the issue addressed, the methodology used and the main findings obtained. There shall be no indentation of paragraphs in the abstract body. Text shall be justified format, TNR 10, Italic. 
Keywords: five words or word sets in total.

Papers will outline the issue addressed and research questions, the literature and background to the topic, the analytical frame, the methodology and the research results 
The maximum length of papers should be 7 pages including abstract and references. For the body of paper (including references), please use Times New Roman font size 12, single line space, text justified.
Tables and figures must be included as part of the text and they should have title and numbers.

Please use referencing style in text and for reference list is APA style. 
There will be no footnotes.
References should be provided in the text with the authors name followed by the year. For example: Biggs (2006, p. 13). 

All material cited in the article need to be included in an alphabetical reference list at the end. Please use the following style:

  • Book

Chartrand, L. Duchesne, R. Dubord, M. & Gingras, Y. (1987) Histoire des Sciences au Quebec. Montreal: Boreal.

  • Chapter in a book

Allport, G. W. (1968). The historical background of modern social pszchologz. In G. Lindzey, si E. Aronson (coord.). Hanbook of social psychology . Reading: Addison-Wesley.

  • Article in a journal

Hamel, J. (1999). Reinnoirea metodei focus-groupului. Dezvoltari recente si noi perspective epistemologice.Psihologia Sociala, 3, 127-136.

  • Online documents

Lather, P. (2004) Getting Lost: feminist efforts toward a double (d) science. Paper presented at American  Educational Research Association, San Diego, 12-14 April.

Heading levels
Please use no more than three headings levels.


Tomul V 2009
Tomul IV
Tomul III

Any correspondence should be send to one of the following mail and email addresses

Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” suceava
Science of Education Faculty
Str. Universităţii. No. 13
e-mail:  Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza


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