ANNOUNCEMENT - looking for international partners


Stefan cel Mare University is looking for partners in order to apply and implement a project regarding counseling and vocational guidance to be developed under the scheme of SECTORAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT, Priority Axis 2: Linking lifelong learning and labour market, the major domain 2.1.  Transition from school to active life / Learn for your career! (grants)

We inform that the project is focused exclusively on the counseling and vocational guidance for students and the main activities of the project are as following:

A1: Forming the project implementing team (EIP)

A2: Elaboration of support  materials for activities of counseling and vocational guidance - Elaboration of the guide for counseling and vocational guidance for personal and profesional development of the students

A3 – Public aquisitions in order to Develop the desk for vocational development for undertaking the counseling and guidance activities for students

A4 – Activities of counseling and vocational guidance for facilitating an informed decision regarding the further studies

A4.1 – Recruiting/selection of the participants and setting up the students groups involved in activities of counseling and vocational guidance

A4.2 – Developing an online platform for counseling and vocational guidance for students

A4.3 – Implementing the counseling and vocational guidance activities for personal and profesional development of the students

A4.4 – Evaluation of the participants and according the scholarships and diploms

A5 – Information and project results dissemination campaign - Organization of an sympozium for the dissemination of the project results and multyplying the good practices

A6 – Project publicity

A7 – Project management – Monitoring and audit of the project

Minimum conditions for the partner:

- Relevant experience in the field of counseling and vocational guidance;

- Relevant publication for the field and studies and researches on counseling and vocational guidance;

- At least 2 experts with a specific and relevant expertize in counseling and vocational guidance;

- The partner will be in charge with A2 activity: Elaboration of support  materials for activities of counseling and vocational guidance

- The partner will involve both the expertize of the staff and the studies and reseraches which will bring added value for the project activities



3500 de laptopuri și tablete pentru viitorii studenți ai USV
La FSE vei avea acces la burse Erasmus, facultatea are peste 25 de acorduri care vor deschide oportunități de învățare în spații educaționale europene.
Pe parcursul studiilor studenții pot beneficia de burse de performanță, burse de merit, burse sociale sau burse de voluntariat.



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